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Jangan seorangpun menganggap engkau rendah karena engkau muda. Jadilah teladan bagi orang - orang percaya, dalam perkataanmu,dalam tingkah lakumu,dalam kasihmu,dalam kesetiannmu, dan dalam kesucianmu

1 Timotius 4:12

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Glorify Thy Name Lyric

Father, we love You
We worship and adore you
Glorify Your Name in all the earth

Glorify Your Name
Glorify Your Name
Glorify Your Name in all the earth

Jesus, we love You

We worship and adore You
Glorify Your Name in all the earth

Spirit, we love You
We worship and adore You
Glorify Your Name in all the earth

Benny Hinn

Bapak Abraham